Perdition Falls is a city of secrets and Adam Trajan thought he knew them all. Or most of them anyway. But there is a woman, an impossible woman who suddenly seems to be at the center of the supernatural maelstrom that simmers in the underbelly of his home town. Her allegiances are suspect. Her methods are brutally effective. Her personality is explosive and Adam has to discover who or what she is and decide her fate before Abigail forces his hand.
Before Abigail forces him to destroy her.
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The Chalice
The Order saved Velar from the streets and certain death. They trained him to be an elite warrior so that he could serve the Knights of Anocren and perform his duties with honor while in the pursuit of glory. And he is ready.
But while the Order may preach duty, honor and glory, they serve the highest bidder. And the highest bidder wants the Chalice, a powerful relic of the last age that holds the essence of the last warrior king. Most believe that whoever bears the Chalice holds the right to rule the united lands. Many search for it and most have died.
Now Velar will search and fight those who would prefer the Chalice remain lost in history. His training and faith will be tested and he understands that his success or failure could bring lasting peace or never ending war. It is his duty to find it. And he has sworn on his honor to return it. But is he prepared for the true price of glory?
When Dragons Speak
Tiagasha exist on the edge of realities and may walk as humans or rule the skies as dragons. They live in massive citadels, blissfully unaware of the ancient secrets of their origins.
Tirsha has discovered the truth. She has delved deep into untold histories and discovered the origins of the Tiagasha and this truth could shatter the foundations their society. The only path forward to the future is from the illumination of the past. Even if she is banished, she will bring the past to light and force her people to evolve.
But the Makra protect and guard the foundations of Tiagashan society and the Makra are watching and waiting for her to violate laws that would lead to her banishment. She mingles with lesser humans. She guides them. She heals them. She must be stopped.
But Tirsha will not stop and her journey to the truth will lead her to revelations that will destroy her world.
And to a love she thought impossible.